Setting you up for success – MVA starter videos

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This post contains short video guides, aimed at supporting MVA users to get set up on the Media Viability Accelerator. Remember if you have comments or questions regarding your organization’s use of the MVA, you can always get in touch with the MVA product support team, via the Contact tab on the MVA platform.

To reach out more generally regarding the MVA and MVA Forward initiative, click through to our dedicated contact form.

To access descriptive transcripts of these videos, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

‘Get started on the MVA’ will guide you through your initial account setup process and will explore basic features of the MVA to help you become familiar with the platform and to get you set up for success.

‘Generating website and social media reports’ talks MVA users through the process of accessing and mapping the data of their website and social media profiles that they have integrated in to the MVA platform. 

For initial guidance on logging in to the MVA for the first time and getting set up as a platform user, check out ‘Getting started on the MVA’.