MVA Benefits

The MVA is being designed for media outlets (entities publishing fact-based news and information), and solution providers (organizations — including funders, media development organizations, software providers, consultants, and researchers — that can increase media outlets’ viability).

The MVA will deliver its output through two components: MVA Insights (soft launch May 2024) and MVA Solutions (scheduled for launch in September 2024).

MVA Data Universe

Based on a minimized amount of media outlet input, MVA Insights will use proprietary automation
and publicly available analytical tools to make informed inferences about Context (e.g., characteristics of the primary country/region and the type of media outlet), the Availability of their output, the Resonance of their content, their organizational Performance, and their Effectiveness in defining and upholding their vision, mission, and values.

Figure 1. CARPE — A hierarchy for the MVA’s collection of media outlets’ business performance data

A funnel shaped graphic illustrates different levels of data

The MVA is based on the ‘give to get’ principle. The more information users provide, the more
detailed data the platform gives them.

Underlying Principles and Practices

The MVA is based on a set of best-practice principles, which include:

  • Enhanced data security and privacy
  • Feedback loops and ongoing iteration driven by User engagement and feedback
  • A solid ethical, DEIA and compliance footing
  • A robust governance structure

The MVA’s ethical approach is based on the following values:

  • The MVA will do no harm
  • Participants will retain control of their own data
  • Participants will need to give data to get data
  • Everyone can benefit
  • Diversity of ideas to serve a diversity of participants

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) considerations — including gender — are integrated both in the development of the MVA and into the product as such. With these consid­erations in mind, the tool is being built and deployed such that it benefits all user constituencies, including, specifically, under-represented groups.

Built in this manner, the MVA will become an indispensable tool for both media outlets and solution providers. It will strengthen media outlets, contributing to the creation of societies which are better informed and more resilient to mis-/disinformation.